So you know your website needs to convert better... Great! And you also know that better customer service could help you achieve it. But you don't want to be tied to a phone all day and...
You have a website and you're running an online business. Your website traffic is ok, but on the other hand, sales are low and not efficient as it could be. People can't find the...
Configurar permissões em um blog é semelhante a configurar permissões em outros tipos de sites. As permissões padrão de um blog são herdadas do respectivo site pai. Portanto, a não ser que tenham...



We started Universal Subtitles because we believe every video on the web should be subtitle-able. Millions of deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers require subtitles to access video. Videomakers and...
In this tutorial we will discuss how use the platform and community I am coming out of an online the first thing to do is recording that can be achieved with button facebook once you got access Dari...
Wir haben Universal Subtitles ins Leben gerufen, weil wir glauben, dass jedes Video im Internet untertitelbar sein sollte. Millionen von gehörlosen oder hörbehinderten Zuschauern benötigen...
-Hi. I'm Carlos Gomez-Uribe. I work on the personalization technology here at Netflix. You may not realize it, but every TV show and movie recommendation you see on Netflix is a highly...
Olá, eu sou a Camille Landgraf do time de marketing da Octane e hoje eu vou falar sobre Phishing. Phishing é uma fraude eletrônica que captura suas informações pessoais, como login, senha e detalhes...
What does a banana and a remote control have in common? And what does a teddy bear and a marker have in common? They both belong to the randomness of a viral video. But don't worry because...
Hi! Willkommen beim Homepage-Kurs von Gemeinsam haben wir die Webseite für Texter Tom entworfen und erstellt. Sie haben gelernt, wie Sie eine Website planen können und diese...