The core mission of research libraries is to provide the long-term preservation and access to research resources to all of our communities. To do that, we rely on many provisions in the copyright act;...
I'm here to talk about a series of studies and give you a sense of what we're actually finding about these four dimensions of employee engagement. In the first of these, what we looked...
Hi, I’m Antoinette Mongelli, Founder and Director of the UCLA Volunteer Center and I’m passionate about UCLA. UCLA is about teaching and research, but it’s also about civic engagement and service....
I am a lawyer but I was not a public defender and I didn't really know anything about public defenders well I mean I know very little and I was introduced to Jonathan Rapping who used to be...
(music) Media literacy organizations banded together to explore what their members think is fair. Media literacy organizations banded together to explore what their members think is fair. They met...



(music) Journalists are both copyright owners and copyright users. Their fair use rights are very important for them to be able to do journalism -- but so are their copyright owner rights. Fair use...
Fair use is an equitable doctrine, meaning it was a judge-made law involving balancing of equitable factors, right. It's a flexible doctrine and it is very convenient if the Supreme Court says...
We are pretty far into this module on employer brand and attracting talent, and I know what you're saying: "This is a course on social media--where in the heck's the social...
So depending on your own background, your own experiences, you probably heard lots of different ways that engagement has been defined, right? So, some folks have defined employee engagement as having,...
Let's now move on to the slightly more nebulous area of unofficial representatives. As we discussed earlier, the reasons to include people who don't have formal standing in the...