Did you know that compliments are so good that can heal your harmed relationship? Hi, I'm Hazely Lopez from Hazely Academy of Refinements and Modeling and I'm here to talk about how to compliment...
How to Build Self Confidence in Others. Shameless flattery isn't the only way to boost someone's self-image.  You will need Time to spend with the person, patience to encourage life changes and the...
0:00 大家好 0:00 我係J生  0:01 我係V醬  0:03 承接上星期今日我地會繼續講「存錢」  0:06 點樣可以儲到最多嘅錢呢  0:09 有啲咩辦法可以令到你嘅支出  0:11 永遠細過你嘅收入呢  0:13 衣食住行  0:14 今日輪到講住同行  0:16 上集講完Shopping  0:18 咁緊係要講下「行」..路啦  0:21 脫離左學生身份之後 ...