I'd like to ask every other charity leader happy to take the cash and run for the hills with their petticoats showing. Since when has this sector become such cowards? Where are the CEOs, the...
So in autism, I collaborate with some folks at Cold Spring Harbor Lab where we're participating in a project that's been sponsored by the Simons Foundation. And the idea there is over...
Spence Diamonds is honored to make a financial commitment of $200,000 to support two of imagine1day's key initiatives in Ethiopia: The Graduate Fund high school scholarship program and three...
Lysander: Who turned off the lights? Lysander: Coward! Hiding from me! Lysander: Ow! You can't hit me backhanded! Demetrius: C'mon Lysdander! Come out & play! Demetrius:...
GREAT EXPECTATIONS By Charles Dickens Chapter XL It was fortunate for me that I had to take precautions to ensure (so far as I could) the safety of my dreaded visitor; for, this thought pressing on me...
Proud, we are so proud Of What you've done, so dont burnt out You'll lose your soul, Your out of soul You think about, we talk about Forget about your eyes, connect inside And show you...
Every mornin' when I get up Jet fuel in a coffee cup Lord knows I ain't givin' up Gonna take on the world today I'm gonna live the life that I'm gonna live It...
The weird ones....If you are reading my article right now, you have more than likely been called weird more than once or twice in your life. It came to my heart to write this article today after I was...