Hello, I am Kerli. I am Rauno. You're watching Tudeng.TV. In today's news... The Student Council election results have arrived. Dark topics were brought to light at TLÜ ÖÖ. Krishnas...



We've won our case? What do I hear? I've fallen into a trap? The traitors! I'll punish them so! The sentence will be at my pleasure ... But if he paid the debts to the old...
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy, when skies are gray you'll never know dear, how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away. So let the sun shine in...



Lights go out and I can't be saved Tides that I tried to swim against Have bought me down upon my knees Oh I beg, I beg and plead Singing Come out of things unsaid Shoot an apple off my head...
- Dziękuję, że wysłałeś po mnie samochód. - Mam na myśli.. czułam się jak jakaś supergwiazda na lotnisku. - Kierowca wziął mało pieniędzy za trzymanie moich toreb i nawet dał mi butelkę wody Faye.G -...
FC_05-SAGE_ASK_ENT_01-SAGE Ask the young entrepreneur: David Garbera “My name’s David Garbera and I’m currently studying medicine at the University of Liverpool, in my fourth year. I’ve just...
Okay, hi everybody! My name is Geoff Rushton, I'm the manager of Social Media here at Penn State. Glad you could join us for our Admitted Students Hangout. For those of you who didn't...
Stephanie: Today's presentation is based on a series of longer modules developed by Catholic Relief Services and American Red Cross with funding by the USAID. And together with the American...



AUTOMATED VOICE: Well done, Mabel. Well done, Alfie. Good girl, Tabitha. Come on. Very well done, Ranjit. Good girl, Chloe. Well done, Ben. Well done, Mandy. Bad boy, Timmy. Zero. You got a zero,...