We're taking you back to the pre-digital era of photography! Get your gloves on, because we're gonna process some photos in your iPhone's darkroom! This episode of AppJudgment...
My name is Christopher and I�m from the Division of Information Technology at Stony Brook University. I�m here to discuss some of the advantages of Lynda.com and answer common questions about the...
Journalism is changing and it's changing very fast. And because of social media, new media, digital media storytelling, especially the social media storytelling, when you talk about people who...
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it's team it's called it out believe harshly by digital happiness values may lead to a delicacy of baseball gig and uh... your pictures on it uneasily at the beginning i fell recently...
So right now, you're looking at an image in the website. It's really diagramming everything that can happen when light is interacting with matter, with surfaces, with molecules, what...
There are other common features to just about all the digital cameras, and that is the flash. And you can turn that on, off, and turn it for red eye reduction on quite a few cameras. It also has a...
Hi, Kennyart here. Thought I would talk about the camera I use to make videos with. I have a couple of them but, this is the one I use the most. It's a Gopro Hero 2. and uh... I use it on this...
01. Walking by the Lake with Bob and Olive by TravelPod member hazieandleavo 02. Walking by the Lake with Bob and Olive by TravelPod member hazieandleavo 03. Classic America Diner! by TravelPod member...
Time to get up and start my day with the new Sony Xperia Z1. The first thing I do is check the weather and my email. With Telstra's 4G it doesn't take long for me to check the...