Hello I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] Today’s episode of DermTV is going to be a little different from the more than three hundred shows I’ve had the privilege of sharing with you. When...
Prevention Of Skin Striae Epidermis Striae or Skin stretch marks, or Striae Distensae, are caused by a rapid stretching of the skin which causes the lower layer (the dermis) to tear as opposed to...
Hello my Loves, Welcome back to my channel! Today is a Hair removal video. For new videos every Tuesday and Thursday, please click that Subscribe button. And lets get started! So the first thing I...
Ten years ago clients with, for example, deeper skin tone or richer skin tone would not have been candidates for laser. Today, that’s simply not the case. Coolaser and Coolbeam can be used on all...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. It happens to every woman at some time—caught without your makeup. And the make or break question is, can you use your girlfriend’s...
Acne is something of immense concern in our everyday life, and it needs to be treated, so that we can live life without the fear of it. This can be found mostly on the face of young ones and adults...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. The reason that people have filler treatments is to help correct lines and wrinkles, but unfortunately, as we get older, our lines...
Although you may sometimes feel like you are alone, more than half of all men and almost as many women are infected with the human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes warts. Right now, there are...
Does Wartrol Work? A Review What are Warts? How are Warts caused? Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus also called as the HPV. The HPV enters you body through small cuts, bruises and through...
Getting Rid of Warts - Get Rid of Face Warts But Beware of That Scar! Warts on the face are small, rough and raised bumps on the face. They are both quite common and harmless. The only problem usually...