[Kim] Hey everybody! Everybody looks pretty tired! But I just wanted to check in and see where we are with all of our activities for this week. Jan, do you mind starting and giving us an update? [Jan]...



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The community of Maraenui in Napier is up in arms after being kicked out of their Housing NZ homes. 50 houses will be demolished or sold, leaving many families living in uncertainty. Four days before...



(Music) Finding the job you want: explore, prepare, act. My name is Julia, and I work at P&J. I'm working here six years. I like working here. My name is Kareem. I've worked at...
The spotlight on credit card spending at the Kohanga Reo Trust has thrown its Treaty claim into disarray. Remember, last year the Waitangi Tribunal agreed to an urgent hearing and found the Crown was...



He was a boy, she was a girl Can I make it anymore obvious? He was a punk, she did ballet What more can I say? He wanted her, she'd never tell Secretly she wanted him as well But all of her...



BNZ has this week announced a solution to help support iwi and hapu through the Treaty settlement process. So what's this about? A $50 million funding facility will provide iwi with the...
Hey, it's Lucas. I'm here to give my first video blog, and I thought an appropriate event would be the LGBT Welcome Back Bowling Party that's being held in the Illini Union so...



Some of the common mistakes that you'll make while learning how to half cab back side 180 into a manual, is well you're rolling up to the obstacle or manual pad, you're going...



JUSTIN VAN ZANDT: My name is Justin from the YMCA on behalf of Expert Village. To set up for a 50-50, you want to put your feet like you're going to ollie and your back foot on the tail and...