Look if you had one shot or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted. one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? Yo! His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy...
Hey YouTube, This is Prince with Fitness Revolution/GoldenBell Fitness or whatever you want to call it. I am doing an on the fly workout video shout out to the fit to mingle group on Facebook. this is...
Medicine Ball Sit Up Toss -Very simple exercise, similar to what we did with the oblique medicine ball toss, but now we're going to just basically work it in a sit up position. We're...



(music) Once upon a time I was lazy I started losing all of my hair Getting overweight and ugly Started thinking life was unfair But then I heard about P90X I ripped it off the internet I worked out...
My name is Joe Lendicky and I am the head coach here at Northwest Crossfit Bellevue in Bellevue Washington. We were just rated Top 10 crossfit gyms in america by Mensfitness.com. A lot of times people...
Hi, guys! It's time for workout #2! First I want to thank you for all the comments and shares of workout #1 I guess, because of it's extreme character not a lot of you tried to do it....
I was born before War, before Second (World) War, not the Napoleonic War, okay? In Czech, in Czechoslovakia it was a tradition when child is about three years old, they give a puppet theatre. Little...
it's Gary here and welcome to another beautiful day hand today have actually at the park I was doing some pull ups and ask some situps and pushups still way to supercharge my my brain exercise...
KIRK VICKERS: The next motion and exercise that we're going to do is another core exercise. Again, back in that 90-90 position, we're going to put the hands at the temples and...
Sit-up test is an indication of abdominal strength. The way it is performed is knees bent at 90 degrees, feet on the ground, feet held. Hands on the thighs, chin to chest. On the rise, you rise up...