Hi I’m Kristen and I’m holding a twine embellished gate fold invitation. This invitation is a really simple combination of a 5x7, A7 gate fold wrap, wrapped up in this nice rustic twine. Inside is a...
Welcome to our sixth lesson "Using documents templates" brought to you by Printwand. Our previous section covered "Properly sizing our artwork for use in our...
Hi, this is Deborah from Dinglefoot's Scrapbooking, and this week I'm going to show you how to make a mulberry paper texture for your projects like cards & scrapbook pages was...
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Open the printer cover. Press on both sides of the feeder and detach it from the printer by lifting it up and out. Flip the feeder over to gain access to its lower part. Depress the plate and insert...
here we go for the last part this is a kind of "next gen all in wonder" card the Galaxy Woofer it have HDMI DVI 3x Display port 3x analog audio in and out + optical output because...
I remember the day that changed my life The day my neighbor knocked on my door. It was cold outside. I looked out the window and saw a woman crying and calling out. "Please let me...



Now that our images have been folded, we're ready to cut them into strips, and glue them, alternating picture to picture, onto our white paper. If you've followed the previous step,...
Alright! Well here is my first, technically speaking, YouTube video, regarding my payments. Um... As you can see, I mass produce them, um... If you got to my channel because of Chan, well, um... Yeah....
augmented reality animated character for iphone app is good new product about augmented reality. Explore Engage ceated it for augmented reality in digital media. It is good tourim app for mcdonalds...

