The dream of a beautiful figure is coming true for thousands of woman through saline breast implants ,but there was a price to pay for larger breasts ' visible scars ' which made the...
Hello, my name’s Adrian Richards, I’m a plastic surgeon and the surgical director of Aurora Clinics which is based here in the United Kingdom. Today I’m going to be talking you through an operation I...
six women in new jersey recovering out to they had buckingham students that were on they were filled with woodcock decor well when we left off kim kardashian has it and he's proud of it and...
You've heard of a vibrator, right? Bzzzzz, orgasm... These days, vibrators are seen as something you might find in someone's secret sex drawer… But when vibrators were first invented,...
When it comes to choosing a butt plug it's really important to know what your butt plug is made of. If your butt plug is made of rubber you can use a water based lube or a silicone based lube....
Hey there guys, it's Gpup here and I just wanted to show you this fantastic new toy from the guys at SquarePeg and Mr S Leather. I really like it because I've had some conversations...
Hey there pups it's gpup here and I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about a really nice training plug. this is made by the guys at square peg and what's really good about it is...
Adrian Richards: Our patient today had PIP's inserted in front of the muscle in 2008. What's interesting about her is the incision used was under the areola, which is the brown area...
what happens when as implants goal wrong you'll find out right now for many women finding a well-fitting bikini can take a lot of effort but for ass trade it's traumatic in 2009 she...
everyone's talking about a right now how former miss argentina has died from cosmetic surgery shes getting but injections she wanted a firmer and area and that because of that it ended her...

