Hi, I'm Kevin. I just got off the brand new K2 AMP Rictor 90 XTi. I give this ski 4.5 out of 5 stars. I really, really enjoyed this. It was really lively, very poppy. My only complaint is I...



Hi, I'm Steve. I just got off the brand new K2 Amp Rictor 90 XTi. So, it's 90 at the waist, XTi means it's got a titanium metal sheet in it. It's a very stable ski, I...
Hi I'm Charlie. I just got of the Rossignol S7. I give this ski 5 out of 5 stars. This is a great ski from somebody that has a moderate build. It's not super stiff so it's...
Hey I'm Bridgette. I just skied the Rossi Temptation 78. This was my ski of choice last, it's my ski of choice again this year. I give it a 5. The reason why I like this ski is for an...



Hi I'm Adam and I was just skiing on the Rossi Experience 88. 5 out of 5 again this season. This is the best seller last year, it's a great ski it remains unchanged. Little bit of...



Hi, this is Steve. I'm back with the Gnu Impossible. Really fun board to ride, made for your faster, better rider. It's an asymmetrical board, so, it's kind of interesting, the...



Hi I'm Kate. These are the 2013 Rossignol Temptation 82's. I give this ski a 4 out of 5. For someone who's kind of an advanced intermediate or an advaned skier but a little bit...
Hi. I'm Beth and this is the Nordica Wild Belle. It's the third in the Nordica's Belle series for women. Ranked as an all-mountain ski, this is for an advanced-intermediate or...
Hey I'm Julie. I just got off the Scott Rosa. I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. It's a good ski for your intermediate to advanced level women It definitely found the top speed for it. So...
Hi I'm Jenna. I just got off of the Rossignol Diva Mag. I give this board 5 out of 5 stars. I had a lot fun on it. This board really hold an edge well at higher speed It's a great...