[HOOVES PATTERING] [HORSES WHINNYING] HOLMES: Head cocked to the left... ...partial deafness in ear. First point of attack. Two, throat. Paralyze vocal cords. Stop screaming. Three, got to be heavy...
Brutto bastardo! Una setta scissionista di monaci buddisti combattenti con una bionda trafficante di droga infiltrata? Non è possibile! Una trafficante di droga bionda smascherata da un abate con uno...
Oh my dear, sweet, naive Ophelia. You communicate with ghosts. Ava's dead. Your books are toast. Ruby: You. You're just another person using me. Ophelia: You don't know what...
SHERLOCK HOLMES EN EL CASO DEL FANTASMA AGRESIVO ¿Ha estado en el Club? Es fantástico. Es increíble. Watson, mi querido amigo. Absolutamente fantástico. ¿Que le pasó? Parece que hubiese visto un...
You do your thing, I'll do mine! No judgment! * Screams * Gifted Sarah: I see a handsome man. Well, thank you. You snooze, you lose. Ava: Here is the dealio. Prove your worth to win my wealth...
How do you send flowers from beyond the grave? That's it? Descendants! Demonstrate that you are deserving. You're just gonna tear down the library. Aren't you so sweet. You...
Hey, everybody! My name is Doug Burchill, and I’m a narrative developer for 3AM Games, which is really just a fancy way of saying, that I write stories for 3AM games. But today I want to take a...
SHERLOCK HOLMES EN EL CASO DE LA MADRE HUBBARD Señor, señor. ¿Bueno, no es un poco tarde para... ...una dama tan joven estar fuera de casa sola? ¿Vives aquí? No. Entonces debes estar visitando......
SHERLOCK HOLMES Y EL ARMA SECRETA SUIZA Esta aquí. Señores, parecen Uds. caballeros de buen gusto. Tengo primeras ediciones antiguas realmente únicas. Si quieren, le echo. No, no, estoy interesado en...