Hi there, just got back from the gym and want to fuel up so I have prepared some ingredients here to show you how to make a green smoothie or green shake this green smoothie includes a variety of...
Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss Weight loss is a prime cause of concern for many people today. Perfect figure is required for both perfect image in the society as well as for a healthy...
>> Billy Mays: Hi Billy Mays you scum GUM >> Billy Mays: Hi Billy Mays here [pause] >> Billy Mays: If you're having problems with hard water build-up...
I am in the maintenance group now – and it was funny because it was just like going from primary to secondary school. You get so used to your group of girls – we call ourselves the Sunday Girls – it...
What are the worst foods to eat while bodybuilding? In theory, the worst food to eat if you want a healthy diet is sugar. It messes with your blood sugar and tends to go straight to fat. Sugar should...
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intrigued by com hatchery here Vemma bode well not long at all you know i'm on a search for the best meal replacement shake that someone on it can take in the morning i have up i'm all...
who's watching porn on playstation oh my god who's getting phucked it's the xhoii guy you lucky shit no he's watching a video no he's actually doing it oh wait...
Roll with a click or I roll solo Roll with a "yes" never roll with a "no" Roll in the cold when I'm in NewYork in the winter time freezing I roll in the...

