s speed firewire aloft order in the times last week talking about when public outperforms private in services and just as an example they talk about b_p_ which was a really had originally uh... owned...
像一位父親憐恤他兒女 Like as a father pitieth His children जैसे पिता अपने बालकों पर दया करता है 主也照樣施憐憫 So the Lord hath mercy on them that fear Him वैसे ही यहोवा अपने डरवैयों पर दया करता है। 主也照樣向敬畏他的人,向他們施憐憫...
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Before I begin today, let me say to the families of the innocents who were murdered 33 days ago, our heart goes out to you. And you show incredible courage -- incredible courage --...