iLa app iLa application ILa application real truth inspired living application about a pot of coffee i live in act is just like we repeal appalled that i live in at that you probably heard about it in...
>>INSTRUCTOR: Today I want to talk to you about what multi-sensory instruction is and what it is not. There are some misconceptions about multi-sensory. So, first of all, I think that...



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You can just have a look over here. This is perfectly shape body what we require for draping a garments. So I'll show you how to drape a garments now. So here's start draping a...
Now the next step is that we have to do drafting, and show to the master what we are going to make. The drafting, you can say it is a pattern making. Okay, before that some of the designers just took...
Before having some collection, this is very essential that we should take a theme. In a fashion show also, how we'll make our collection. First of all, we take a theme, then we do a studies in...
So our next point is texture. What texture is? Texture is another essential part for designing garments. There are certain kind of consumer or customer who like to have a garments on textures kind of...
Now what I'm going to do, I'm going to show this to my consumer or customer or whatever you say. If she likes it, okay. Then I'll go for further process. Now what is the...
Well, before we describe what fashion designing is, we should know what fashion is. Over the year and since the fashion is just become an essential for our day to day life. So, we should concentrate...
(Applause) Well, I hope you haven't read Shakespeare. First thing to do: let's kill all the lawyers. And I hope I will survive the next few minutes. I chose the title, and everybody I...

