that on twenty twelve joined today by chris moody up a little reporter with the yahoo news chris uh... i have to say is the hardest working person i saw at both conventions never away from his...
now Virginia other one was just got their ass kicked for the first time in 24 years they lost all three site statewide races that might be because the rain came is that are a little extreme you...
tragic news last night with joe frazier these former heavyweight champ of the world and sport of boxing we bring in along time boxing writer robert axl the editor in chief of boxing dot com to talk...



Because I had been cursed since my kindergarten days, with absent-mindedness, with spaciness, with dreaminess, in general, I leave pieces of myself all over the city. Maybe, it'll be the ipod...



a 72-year-old alzheimer suffer was shot dead after he wandered into the front yard up a man living in Georgia now %uh Ronald Westbrook has been suffering with Alzheimer's for a while now and...
geraldo rivera is a proud man he's proud of what he's got despite the fact that he is seventy is a nice body and you want to show it off and we are living in a cell-free culture so he...
Governor Scott Walker's campaign was forced to fire one up there aids after she wrote some pretty racist and bigoted comments on Twitter back in 2008 up now this woman is Taylor palmists home...
the female CEO love Archie Comics is being sued by five yr white male employees and they're suing her for gender discrimination they are alleging that she were refused to refer to that by...