Self-sustaining organization

More stringent measures seeing reduced US alcohol-related accidents. In its 2011 annual report, the US organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving has given top five-star ratings to the states of...
Researchers found that remote work can enhance employee's feelings of autonomy and empowerment which in turn can lead to higher levels of employee satisfaction and performance. However, there...
The Grand Banks once supported one of the largest stocks of cod in the world, now mostly gone from overfishing. In the Barents sea, same fish same overfishing problems but today, they stil have their...
Hello, Arlene Sabaris. It’s a pleasure to see you here today. I would like to ask you some questions about your organisation, CoopSeguros. First question. What were the origins of CoopSeguros? Well,...
PHILIP: Thank you everyone for coming. My name is Philip. I'm a software engineer here, and I am very happy that Leo is coming to speak. So Leo and I were in grad school around the same time....
My name is Tyler McKee and I'm a first semester Master's candidate in Civil and Environmental engineering. (music) Well, why I really gravitated toward Engineers without Borders is...
>> Bobson Mercier: Education in a broad sense can be any experience that has formative effect on a way one thinks, feels, and acts. Education is the formal process where society can...
[Fariba Mavaddat] There are nearly 25 million unemployed in Europe, of whom more than 17 million are in the eurozone. One in five young people in the EU cannot find a job, that is nearly 5 million...
KRISTIN DAVIS: Hi, everybody. AUDIENCE: Hi. KRISTIN DAVIS: You're very impressive with your laptops. It's like we're at school DIANE SOLINGER: Well, to formally welcome you,...