Hello, lovelies. There's no fancy segue into this. There's no fluffy way. It's all a bit in your face. I used to suffer from high social anxiety and low self-esteem. But it was...
Being under-confident can really block us from enjoying our lives and actually grabbing opportunities and progressing towards our goals. There’s a wonderful old story which can mean all kinds of...
Hey bro, what's wrong? I got demoted at work. They said I wasn't assertive or confident enough to manage people. What am I going to do? You're going to go back there and show...
ALEX BOYE: Hey. My name is Alex Boye. We're here on behalf of Expert Village, and we are talking about how to perform on stage effectively, how not to suck, how to gain stage presence. One of...
Hey guys! Robb coming to you from inside my home today I just want to talk to you very quickly about trust and building connections. Okay? You know in this world and in business in particular, again...
Erik: What post college experience did the most to bolster your self-confidence? Ken: My wife agreeing to marry me. Erik: Yeah? Ken: Yeah, It’s one of these things where… On a recent episode of “How...
Self confidence is so important as a professional model. Now that you've learned perfect posture and how to have perfect posture. That should give you lots of self confidence. Also how to...
through the Gathering Storm producers via Web TV ramming that's designed to help you the viewer to understand and cope with world conditions in politics that are worsening day by day welcome...
Gideon: Hi! Welcome to my next video. Today as you can see, I've got a very special guest with me. If you've been following my stuff, you'll know JayJay. Say...
Erik: What role does confidence play in the work that you do? Lulu: So I think confidence comes into play in a lot of different ways actually. I think it comes into play for yourself, in that you...