I think it's going to be interesting for us to have a look at these performances. How many weeks have we been doing that warm-up? - Ten weeks. - Ten weeks. How perfect should it be?...



Hi there my name is Vanessa Warwick and it is my pleasure to host this short video to introduce you to James McBrearty of taxhelp.uk.com so welcome James. Now tax is a very broad subject and there are...



How about types of assessments? How do you decide what type of assessment to use? Well, the type of assessment and what is assessed always starts with the question: What do I want the students to...



OK, so you've gone through the different ways you can look at this. Trying to analyse, come up with as many differences and similarities as you can. In the same way that we looked at the three...



The second step in the peer evaluation process is to review the work submitted by your peers. To do this, navigate to the Peer Evaluation assignment and click View/Complete Assessment. If you are...
District-Determined Measures and Assessment Literacy Webinar 2 Ron: Hello everyone and thank you for joining us today. This is the second in a series of webinars designed to support district teams in...



this is a test this is a test for the transcription process i'm going to go through a few slides and we're gonna see how this works in will run this is a sample this is for the class...
I'm, oh yeah, "talking" and "taking action". I think they areā€¦verbs, verbs, but there is no verbs. Oh, this is noun? I use peer assessment in my classes a...



>> Classroom Walkthrough. Self-Assessments. A self-assessment is a series of questions with immediate feedback provided by your instructor. Self-assessments are not graded and your...



In this video we are going to look at how to create Self Assessments to help students reflect on their learning. Self Assessments are set up similarly to Quizzes in that you may use question from the...