I can release it now the block is gone. I removed all obstacles in my way. Done are the value cards prioritized. It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) release today. It's...
Satisfying the customer through early and continues delivery of valuable software is the highest priority of any agile team let's take a look at planning work and reporting on progress for...
hello there I've got a quick video for you on config files and PC gaming how you can use config files to get a little bit more FPS therefore pushing your FPS perhaps just a little bit higher...
hello guys this is China rising this is the new DLC from battlefield 4 that is early access if you are premium if you pre-ordered in all that shit and you paid Deluxe and what have you but didnt get...
My favorite teacher by far was my 11th grade English teacher, Jim Steinmeyer. He was a great teacher. He taught me a lot about writing, but what he taught me more about was just presence and the...



what is a cover letter for a resume believe it or not one of the most important factors as you submit a job application is not your resume itself but your cover letter in fact even if you are not...
Agile application development From the product owner to the team The product owner prioritises the customor needs. He ensures the effectiveness of the development. He has to have the vision for the...



What does it mean to be a Product Owner in an Agile development environment? I'll start by saying that the Product Owner role is challenging but also rewarding. On an Agile Scrum Team the...
So today guys we are going to be talking about how to end a letter. Now there's many different ways to end a letter, and so we're just going to go through a few of the basic ones, ok?...



Okay welcome back to Resume Elite and we're now going to discuss part two of this sytem and that is the cover letter. Now, just to recap so far we've done the two versions of our...