BK's Blog VEMMA Hello Vemma Team. BK Boreyko here. Welcome to this week's video blog. And do I have some exciting news to share with you? Just got back from Malmo, Sweden and I have to...
I’m going to die. Time is running out for me, and for my companions; my brothers of the river who, like me, were born in these waters four years ago. Our lives are coming to an end after a long,...
When we use the acronym TAP, it’s important to understand that it is primarily assolciated with UCLA. Although Berkley uses the acronym for a program it has, it is not the same as TAP at UCLA. TAP at...
You're going to the movies. (Giada) You'll be serving meals to movie goers and you're gonna have to create a 60-second movie trailer. I'm swingin'... I...
Hi, I'm Ed Baranoski. I'm working with Village Critter Outfitter in New Canaan, but I'm actually from Waterbury and what I do, I'm the video guy. So, I tried college. I...
If you have a psp you have probably heard about Installing custom firmware Or hacking it This is a guide on how to do it You will need two things a pandoras battery and magic memory stick The pandoras...
Lean Six Sigma saves organizations of every size, in every industry from technology to health care to finance hundreds of millions of dollars every year. However, Lean Six Sigma can be intimidating...
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JANE: Hey, Lauren. Jane, how are you? Welcome back to Amsterdam! How was your journey? It was great. NARRATOR: 10 years ago, New Yorker Lauren found herself in Amsterdam. LAUREN: It's home to...