[Rebecca:] Do you find cooking difficult? [sound effect: BAM!] [Rebecca:] Does the farmer's market confuse you? What am I supposed to do with all this kale?! [sound effect: BAM!] [Rebecca:]...
You watched us design and build this house in 150 days, but the work is far from over. We're about to jump into my favorite part of the process of bringing all this together. Join me for an...
They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in 150 days for $150,000, and I say it can. I'm Allen Smith, join me as I push the limits with time, budget and creativity with the Garden...
You know that sound? Hey, if you have a glass shower like this, you never have to worry about Norman Bates or his mom sneaking up on you while you're taking a shower. They say an eco-friendly...
So what do you think of the idea of a floating garden? Now, Chris, we've all created hanging baskets. Right. But you hadn't lived until you've done a water basket. What we have...
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