Ova epizoda OTD sadrži scene esktremnih vratolomija koje su izveli animirani tinejdžeri. Ne pokušavajte ništa što ovde vidite kod kuće. Ozbiljno, mogli bi gadno da nastradate. Jo! Povezujemo se s...
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In every struggle that I'm going through It all happened according to Your will I put my trust in You, your promises are yes and amen Emmanuel Emmanuel there are some of you who admit any...
Hey, Kyouko Kirigiri, give up Ishimaru. You are too persistent. He's tired of you. Don't tell a lie. I know your evil mind. I'm the only one of his destiny. Please stop...
He is a bad person and must pay the penalty! Do you think this scene should be cut? We were so worried when the boys were writing it. But now we're glad! It's better than the previous...
Sorry, Mukuro was playing with my laptop earlier and she messed it up. No big surprise, uh, so yeah, I wasn't expecting it to start recording so quickly. So, Naegi gave me some questions this...
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Stand Alone SDR transceiver SunSDR-MB1 Presentation in "Maykop 2013" Here is a new product from the company Expert Electronics - SunSDR-MB1 This transceiver is a monoblock. Inside it...