One of the questions that patients want to know about is, “How much does Sculptra cost and how long does it last?”, and they go together because, although a vial of Sculptra is more than a syringe of...
Voluma facial filler. Have you ever wondered how and...
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Dr. Rankin: Some of the more nonsurgical procedures that I performed include Botox and face fillers. Facial fillers include Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse and also Sculptra. These provide an...
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[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. Everybody’s always talking about lines and wrinkles. Why are they talking about them? They recognize them, they have them, and they...
hi I'm doctor Dana Goldberg if you've ever wondered how plastic surgeons like myself can get rid of wrinkles without surgery well want to miss this in-depth look at our games...
Carole! It's only been a week and you did so well last week. I know I'm gonna do it, you know I hurt myself Carole Malone is going to save some face, well sort of... So today Carole is...
Yes, so Dr. Tehrani said I have to loose 30 pounds to remove the 3 pounds of fat that he just removed. He said he will get to those areas without losing a ton of weigh. So, he did it for me. That is...
When face creams are no longer enough turn to Restylane - an anesthetic treatment that's clinically proven to work. Restylane is a unique form hyaluronic acid. It restores youthful volume your...