What makes America amazing is that there have always been men and women of courage who were willing to think more about the future of their children and grandchildren than they did about their own...
We'll look to the fall and if there is a new president and a new Senate that's part of a Congress willing to change, that's the next step.
It is only fair to expect public employees like me and others in the public sector to pay something close to what our neighbors and our fellow citizens do in the private sector.
More people on unemployment benefits is not success in America, fewer people on not because we kicked them off but because they have been able to get a job in the private sector, because government...
Now things have changed for the better. Our reforms end seniority and tenure so we can hire and fire based on merit and pay based on performance. That means we can put the best and the brightest in...
We need someone to turn things around in America.
You can make tough decisions that I believe voters for years have asked us to do.
One of the things I get amused by is when my opponent talks about the middle class.
One of those promises was to limit the size of government and to have the government serve the people - and not the other way around.