We're all curious. And when we're curious about the natural world, the natural universe, the stuff around us, where we live, breathe, our planet lives and breathes -- and...
The cancer prevention and early detection and 2011 its an annual publication of the American Cancer Society and it is the most comprehensive publication on cancer risk factors suggest smoking obesity...
Hi, my name's Dave Andrews. Today I want to tell you some facts about some laptops. Now these are some things you're going to want to look at when purchasing a laptop, and one of the...
How to Teach Your Kids Amazing Earth Facts. The Earth is an incredible planet. Teaching your kids just how amazing it is may convince everyone in your household to go green. You will need Large sheet...
Hello, good morning. First thing I feel I ought to do is apologise for my incredibly boring shoes. But, I don't know if you can all see this thing on the table. I'm quite excited to be...
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? While the Bible plays a much less central role in science today, many of the greatest minds in science had the solid foundation of belief in...
Hello, I'm doctor Otis Brawley every year the American Cancer Society publishes cancer statistics for the United States the 2011 version is available right now the leading cancers it diagnosis...
Now… so there are subjective facts. If you happen to have an intact nervous system being burned alive will be excruciatingly painful. The painfulness of pain is a subjective fact about you. What my...
Hi I’m John Green. Welcome to my salon and my fake fireplace. This is Mental Floss on YouTube and did you know that George Washington is considered by experts to be America’s richest president? I...
Smart Learning! Smart Future! Science # Nowadays, education technology has been improving day by day The learners should have an attitude of scientific inquiry and it is going to chase to the...