Nish Sonwalkar: My name is Dr. Nish Sonwalkar. I came to this country as a graduate student and joined MIT for the Ph.D. program. After finishing, I joined the faculty in mechanical engineering. But...
>>BECKY: I have a simple question about the percentage of people in Bangladesh that can read Braille. \ >>DARREN: You mean the percentage in Cambodia.\...



Hello and welcome to the Mental Health line If you are obsessive compulsive, press 1 repeatedly If you are co-dependant ask someone to press 2 for you If you have multiple personalities press 3, 4, 5...



Sports Collectors. This is the oldest publication, probably one of the most comprehensive. It's called the Sports Collectors Digest, and they cover everything in here. Sports collectors are...
Hi, my name is Matthijs and when I was 13 years old, colon cancer was diagnosed at my father. How I find out? Well.. My dad had to go to the hospital for a checkup, and that's how it was told:...



>> You know, sometimes I will see patients who will say to me why are you in this field. And I tell them it's because I think it's really important. We are the only...



Quando o projeto (configuração) está feito no IET600, próximo passo é importar o arquivo SCD. Clique em "Import" procure o arquivo SCD e abra-o. O nome do projeto, na seção...



Now that we've mastered single character regular expressions, let's look into gluing them together. We're going to need to find important bits of punctuation like slash greater...
"St. Joan of Arc high school was one of our first schools in our board that became eco-certified and because of their strong interest in the environment. We supported the initiative to have a...