FORESTER Hi, this is Poonam Khairnar and I'm going to speak on a career as a forester. Forester is a person who practices forestry ,the science ,arts and the profession of managing forest....
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It’s been a week since Dagogo has had his hands dirty and greasy. His life as a mechanic depends on that grease. Well, living in the densely populated city of Port Harcourt, he gets cars coming into...
All of these asteroids are orbiting the sun with a period of several years perhaps as long as ten years. But if you can get to an asteroid on the previous orbit say a decade before it otherwise hit...
SAVE OUR PLANET... Earth’s resources run out on August 21. Saying that humans are using more natural reserves than nature can give, environmental advocacy group, Global Footprint Network, has...
Regeneration: An Earth Saving Evolution It is important to understand that there's more biomass of living micro organisms below the soil than there are living organisms above the soil and by...
>> If the ocean's not healthy, we’re not healthy. >> One of the greatest threats to elephants today is… >> They'll be able to take...
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