A set of sentences delta logically entails the conclusion phi. If and only if every truth assignment that satisfies delta also entails phi. As with validity and contingency and unsatisfiabiity, this...
So once again, as a quiz, we're going to build a lot of this interpreter, together. I will get started; you'll complete the rest. We're going to write an...



In this segment we're gonna take a look at box logic. Unfortunately, we cannot do that here on the studio so we're gonna have to take a road trip. Today we're headed for...
As we saw in the introductory lesson, The essence of logical reasoning is symbolic manipulation. We start with our premises; apply some rules of inference, stringing together these rule applications...
[Narrator] Thus far, we've only looked at the form of an utterance or sentence, what words it has, whether they fit the subject, object, verb kind of ordering, but we haven't really...
The teacher wins! The difference between the -er in teacher and the -er in extinguisher is very small. The ER and teacher can be thought of as "person" or "man",...



Hi, my name is Lukáš Doležal and I'm going to talk about r-value references and related move semantics, which are new principles in the new C++ standard C++0x. Did you know that although C++...
In this video we're going to continue and complete our discussion of cool operational semantics. We'll be taking a look with the two most complex operations in cool, the allocation of...
So because we're going to be writing an interpreter for JavaScript in HTML, we're only really going to be able to interpret good programs successfully. That means we want to recognize...



In order to make all of these concepts concrete, let's look at an example. Consider once again, the Sorority World example introduced in our first lesson. The girl that this world focuses on...