Die augen leer, wie der raum der sie gefangen hält Das herz voll sehnsucht, nach wahren gefühlen Ein schrei verhallt wieder, wird von der leere übertönt S Dein leben überschattet von leere Die guten...
Silence from the first sparkle of the sun Until the rising of the sun's own shadow All painfull noise just disappeared, faded to nothing Swallowed by the silence that hides within me Silence took over...
My face the canvas for your vision of me Happy smiley face, too weak for life itself, Corrupted - superhuman - hypocrite with a halo Prisoner and hostage of its own faith The vision - distorted, not...
Trapped in this labyrinth That we build ourselfs Cryptic writings on the wall That meaning we'll never understand Spoken words, broken promises, hollow phrases, empty hearts Spoken words, broken...
Existence pushed to the lowest level The freedom of spirit the last to remain ....seemingly! All principles sold, given up, for this state of mind. The life, for what it is and never should be. Only a...
Turn of a century Everything is lost The commercial breaks before the daily news Invites "the truth of life" to us No changes in crowds demand Two millenniums later Feeble -- mindness...
No relief, there is no way out Of our breed, our breed to exist Our image formed by our conceptions In the past -- simple origin to wipe out The ideal mankind, a try that could fail Cause the...
The dawn of your being Is coming faster as you thought It's melting away It flows through your bleeding eyes Once a castle, strong and proud Now crushed to a ruin of fears Your existence pierced by...
Here I am, empty and sad My withering life, raped by a mood Here I crouch with my aimless life That's only a shadow of the past Here I am, empty and weak Lost my beliefs, I don't know why You violated...
I don't beg for your acceptance I don't beg for your affection I don't beg for a silent moment neither that you walk with me I don't beg for your aggression I don't beg for your void truth I don't beg...