As Huey Lewis would say, "it's hip to be square." Particularly in this case. They say an eco-friendly house can't be built in 150 days for $150,000, and I say it can....
I know. NARRATOR: Matt Blashaw needs a yard to crash. [ Both laugh ] Wrong answer. Whoever takes him home will get a backyard Zen sanctuary with a custom concrete sunken living room, an outdoor...
Hi. I'm Dawn with another installment of "Decorating with Dawn." Today I'm reviewing Haute Decor's Magnetic Wreath Hanger The Magnetic Wreath Hanger comes in...
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Unique Spanish Style Boutique Hotel. The Lemon Tree has warm, earthy colors, hand painted accents and saltio tiled floors giving it old world European charm. Many of the rooms have garden patios, set...
Hi I'm Adrianne Kahn here at Temperance Hill and my store is Adrianne Kahn fine Jewelry and Design. My store has grown from a family business that is 103 years old 104 years old now! and my...
Hi! I'm Mark Sullivan for Expert Village and today, I am going to show you how to set concrete paver's. Now we have successfully removed the initial layer of organic matter from around...
These next two planters in front of us, a smaller one down the ground and this taller black fern are examples of plants you can use in a dark, shady location. We do get quite a few inquiries about...
My name is Ryan moody I am the owner Southern Creek rustic furnishings we have a store in Pleasant Plains and here in hot springs sothern creek rustic furnishings is a unique Furniture store we carry...
now we can look at the inside of the house here we have...well the house is very large at the start of the video we spoke of 1,200m² but this is just the main house I will need to check the...

