Can you tell me why you should never run a marathon? The guy who ran the first dash from Marathon died of exhaustion. Modern marathon runners have better hydration and training. Running tears up your...
In this video we're going to take a look at how different runners plant their feet, and what this means for the use of the hamstrings and the glutes. We'll look at why distance runners...
[Music] Narrator: Time to lose yourself. Carried into the unknown, one step at a time for 100 miles. The life of an ultrarunner is driven by discovery of what's possible and what might be...
At the start of any run training period whether you're an experienced runner or you have uh... are just starting out the most important concept to consider is your Base Running Training period...
Traveling and trail running for me kind of grew together; to me they are very similar things. The one person that really inspired me to travel, from the very beginning, was my own mother. At 19 I...
Ellyn: I don't like to run or stationary bike indoors. I've tried on occasion. Matias: Yeah I think some people are intimidated by mountain or trail running. That it's...
the second radio this is a ninety-year-old races so that they are ninety four ninety five respectively uh... and this is the twenty thirty european veterans athletics championships in spain is...
Hello everyone, here we are with a really really interesting title. Shine Runners. If you've ever played a kind of classic game, on the Amiga or Commodore 64, the idea is to run your moonshine...

