In the 9/11 Commission Report, one of the things they point out is that firefighters saved just about everybody below the fire. I don't think they realize how proud the fire department is of that....
In choosing Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has chosen for the future.
I am a free market Republican. I am against subsidies, in most cases.
The Republican Party is a much bigger tent than people give it credit for. We have a lot of what I guess you all call moderate Republicans.
I'm not sure if President Obama is an ideologue or a pragmatist. I am hoping and praying he's a pragmatist.
What did Sept. 11 do? It took me from 60-70 percent name recognition as mayor of New York to about 90 percent. Of course it had an impact. But it's not the only reason I was successful.
The only time the private parts of someone's life are relevant is when they're affecting public performance. And just because someone is a public person doesn't mean that any part of his or her...
When I said the city would be stronger, I didn't know that. I just hoped it. There are parts of you that say, 'Maybe we're not going to get through this.' You don't listen to them.
I don't invest in the stock market. I did it a long, long time ago when I was really young, and I got involved in all the investigations and all the prosecutions, and I felt it was better if I didn't...
My attempt is to try to broaden the base of the Republican Party, to try to bring in people that can agree and that can disagree on that, because I think the issues that we face about terrorism, about...