Rotary youth exchange

I am Liza Love, a student here at Rio Salado. The excellent programs that are available within Maricopa Community Colleges range from everything that you can imagine within the sciences, health, math,...
[intro music] >> My name is Tazmyne. I'm twelve years old. I live in Booragul and I love living in Lake Macquarie. I'm lucky to live in Lake Macquarie because...
JFIF Exif Adobe Photoshop 7.0 2008:03:25 21:24:26 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz m/gO =7S| e|CNt r+=OE1...
CSPP is an attempt to identify common problems and find solutions to them. It is an attempt to identify those issues that people are most concerned about. Not bureaucrats, not officials, but people...
Let's get started. Just so you know, this webinar is being recorded. And the recording will be available online later today, and so you'll have a chance to listen to it again if you...
Salta Cathedral by TravelPod member henagaijin Iglesia San Francisco by TravelPod member henagaijin Salta from the cable car by TravelPod member henagaijin How you see trains in Argentina by TravelPod...
In just a few hours mounties will mark the start of the holiday check stop season in our region. They stop drivers year-round but say this time of year keeps them busier than ever. Breanna...
Hi. I am Pat Case. I am faculty chair from social sciences at Rio Salado College. One semester I was teaching a gender in society class and received an email from a student who me that he was only...
Hi I'm Kristi Sawyer. I'm one of Brad Hager's business partners. Mr. Hager is a very successful international businessman and is launching a new division in your area. Now I...
Hi, my name is Asta, like Asta La Vista that everyone remember And I am from Lithuania Hi, my name is Hak Su Lee, I'm from South Korea My name is Marian and I am from Slovakia Hi, my name is...