Rosie huntington-whiteley style

Hi everyone from Anteprima Cinema! Let’s see the teaser trailer of the movie Transformers - The Dark of the Moon. See you later with the news of today. Third chapter of the saga, Transfomers 3 is...
here we are on the shores of Lake Como we are celebrating 150 years of MARTINI myself, Lilly Allen, Chilli Gonzales are performing in this amazing setting I am very excited if not a little nervous...
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Welcome to PB Dorm Pottery Barn A Day in the Life of a PBDorm Model Hi I'm Bianca and I'm here with PB Dorm and we're here at a college campus. A day in the life of a model is...
Hi and welcome back to Hair with Hollie. So, today I'm going to be a doing a style on myself and I'm going to show you how to do this gorgeous braided back to school look. It's...