Oh, novo Nível! É, estranho né? Tipo, porque tem portas lá em cima? Porta? Do quê ta falando? Do quê você está falando? Estava falando sobre nível novo no Angry Birds. E eu sobre a porta lá em cima....



Só pode ser brincadeira. Hey. Consertando aquela lâmpada? É. Você tem que rosquear até o fundo, senão não funciona. Haha. Isso foi o que Ela disse. Pode vir aqui e segurar a cadeira pra mim? Aham,...



Alright im gonna do this slender thing all over again cuz i fail. And i really want to finish this Alright, umm........... Where the hell.... am I? ok i think i'll start from here Oh look...



he guys, it's me! Bendigogamer! anyway Today I'm going to be making a review sorry about the wobbling uh... today we're going to be making a review about this epic new website...
A time has passed and life's moved along Storyline's progressed, so here's a new song A guy named Doc came to the canyon to see If people needed saving due to injury Well the...
*unnecessary moaning* if cell uh... it off acceptable are out it and of course skills lol org their sandwich strobes app worked out much it unstructured you know comfortably uh... if printout flatly...



welcome back to its and now we're playing Minecraft yet again today I want to finish this beautiful hotel Desmet just a cold cell and as you can see we have built the first floor and the...
Everybody here knows about Tucker They say I'm a bad motha-Shut your mouth I can spend all day, think about chicks Think about Tootsie Roll Pops (How many licks?) Every time that a girl walks...
[silence] Rooster Teeth Behind the Scenes let's build things to do in Achievement let's play into darkness toilet paper trials files food runner Hunter five facts trials PIG...