John Dennis: Because I frankly haven't prepared a thing. But I don't know that he needs much of an introduction. I'm a grown man now, I don't have too many personal...
the sense of the entrance is brought to you by blowing them the world's largest wifi network sign up eduardo dot com slash the wifey donald trump was uh... brought in to see packed by dole...
Anderson Cooper: What do you think of Christine O'Donnell, do you think she can win? ` Ron Paul: Oh sure, I think she can win. I think she's going to have to work very hard. She has...
CNN Anchor: It's safe to say that you were Tea Party before Tea Party was cool, Congressman Paul. And we're noticing a lot of Tea Party candidates all over the country today. Is this...



yeah seat back at over the weekend uh... lots of going back and forth uh... loss of absolutely surgery andrew bright part comes out and says that liberals are animals user quotes monsters no on...
bone kio pri la liberecana partio vi povas diri al ni iom pri kio ĝi signifas sed povas partio estas bazita sur la salajro el principo de ne-agreso ni ĉiuj preni promeson sed ni faros en la partio...
welcome back to the show joining me is former minnesota governor jesse ventura the new book is democrats and blueblood lic ins no more gangs in government uh... uh... governor always a pleasure to...