In Python, we can write a comment that extends to the end of the line by prefacing it with the # sign or the pound sign or the hash sign. JavaScript has this same idea, but instead the comments start...
So here's how I chose to do it. I first picked out the first pair, and if there are 2 pairs, that should be the highest, because remember, the ranks are ordered from highest to lowest, so if...



The answer is if we want an alternative of the patterns x and y, then we use a protocol. We say let's apply x to the set of numbers. That gives us a set of strings that matches. We'll...



This finishes the lecture part of CS373, my basic introduction to robotic AI. Even though we haven't done the final exam yet, I want to congratulate you for getting this far. The fact you got...
And the answer is, in the game of pig the opponent is trying to defeat "me," so they want the worst for "me." The dice has no intentionality. Everything is equal in...



[Norvig] Now let's put the whole thing together. I've defined zebra<u>puzzle. It's a function.</u> It doesn't take any arguments because...



Hi, we have developed an open source system of building blocks. Making electronic projects is very easy with them. Simply pick the right blocks to realize your ideas. There are many different...



Let's now implement something that calculates the value function. Here's our familiar grid again. We have a vertical obstacle over here, a T-shaped obstacle over here. Our goal...



Here I've written a slightly more complicated grammar that actually describes part of Python. We can make assignment statements-- stmt is a common abbreviation for statements-- by assigning to...
The answer is the first two. The first one is checking the signature. We're checking the signature here by decrypting using the public key that verifies that this message was created by...