[music] A few years ago I heard about Sky Ride events. There wasn’t so many back in them days and it was all about closing the streets down to the traffic so people who loved cycling could ride...
415,80 m | 0 km/h 415,80 m | 0 km/h 415,90 m | 0 km/h 415,80 m | 0 km/h 415,80 m | 0 km/h 415,80 m | 0 km/h 415,80 m | 0 km/h 415,80 m | 4 km/h 415,80 m | 4 km/h 415,90 m | 7 km/h 416,00 m | 7 km/h...



five or air that contrary extn hyman uh... jetta kilometers tripled yeah might suggest butternut best actress in ths also your instead checked checked meat tender age rman teaching fourteen microphone...
Alright the next part we're going to talk about is called object avoidance. When we're running into a situation where a car locks up their brakes, and we don't have time to...
o__... ,> /... (*) \(*) Continue west along 34th Ave. Turning 34th Avenue into a protected bike lane, would increase the safety for cyclists who have few options traveling east and west through...
WALKER: Psst. Over here. Well you can’t really see us since we’re on the radio. RYDER: But we're the icons on traffic signs that help you get to where you need to go. CARLY: That guy on the...
[music] It’s fantastic to come to Milton Keynes today to be involved in another Sky ride event. It’s my fourth and last sadly, I’m going to miss it, it’s the second one that I’ve brought my kids to....
I have a saying I picked up in a movie. It says: "In life, if you speed up like lightning, you will crash like thunder." My name is Rudolph and I'm a YES alumna for the year...