My Mom just left me here in the car by myself! And now... Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. There's a black lady... staring at me. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, that's so scary! She's just...
so you know these conservative that will continue to on and on and on about getting justice for the or individual that died obeying God now don't get me wrong I think the fact that Born to Be...
the president talked so much about retired or two of the chicago congressman who definitely understands the president's going to touch it with a gun violence everything is what's your...
Female Speaker: Could you talk about the show in general on your character specifically? Grey Damon: Yes, I guess I'm still confused as to if it's 10 years back or 10 years forward as...
dr tool grover is manchi davinci officer for the association of american medical colleges and he had a sitting this health-care reforms pretty good dartmoor personal when leon drugs extravagant first...



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other people were they are working on the health care reform and try to get attention at the right to choose today and one of them was alan grayson and he was doing in a landslide in day speeches...



on a level that heath barnali dot o_ obama man he found out something in the email them with that let's responded a clip where use he's done or bombers thesis and then it's the...



we're here with the congress and alan grayson now just a couple years ago you said the republicans healthcare strategy is they want everybody to die is that the same with a sequestration...
here with my hometown congressman debbie wasserman schultz and the chair of the democratic party newly-elected just a congratulations on that arm now tell me what this piece of mean to you today open...