Revolved head to knee pose

Pavritta Janu Sirsana or revolve head to knee pose is a really great pose to do with more than two people. Three or four, however many. So we're all going to, this is Carrie, Carrie's...
Next Gina and I are going to demonstrate the Pavritta Janu Sirsasana or revolve head to knee pose. So we're going to move to the ends of our mat, extend our foot forward, pressing into the...
We are going to do a version of cat cow. We are going to turn this into vinyasa. Vinyasa flows with the breath so that movement follows the breath. With an inhale Jennifer is going to slowly come into...
CINDY MASTRY: In this clip, Faith is going to help me demonstrate how using the block can help you come into revolved triangle or Parivritta Trikonasana with much better alignment. She's going...
During this 10-minute yoga practice, you'll ease into your heart and inner guidance to find out when your heart is truly ready to open up. You'll need at least two blankets. Fold them...
Ardha Matsyendrasana, half lord of the fishes. As in all of our poses, we need to be balanced in the sit bones. We're going to extend your right leg, grounding the heel, activating that leg....
Paschimottanasana, intense west stretch. It's one of the poses that we're going to extend both legs. But to keep the comfort of your lower back, or to keep your hinging forward, it...
Pavrita Sukhasana, revolved easy pose. Easy pose is any posture that you're comfortable in, so that you can sit here, maintain, and enjoy. It's one of the poses that you can use for...
Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, three limbed head to knee pose. We're going to start off by extending your right leg into Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose. Then we're going to...
From Trikonasana take a wide leg stance, and then turn your left foot out and the right toes will face forward. Sweep your arms out and then lengthen over your left leg taking your fingertips or your...