Like everything else of the 1960's, there were two major trends in jewelry. The first focus is on mod fashion and it really focuses around geometric shapes. Now the fashion of the mods was a...
So now, we're going to talk about jewelry trends and trends in patterns that existed in the '70's. The big jewelry trends followed the clothing trends which were the return of...
Hi today we are going to talk about the fashion of the 70's and how to dance retro. The 70's were a lot of fun. They included disco, they included bell bottoms, they included all sorts...
So, we've mentioned a lot about ethnic prints and hippie influences and I wanted to talk a little bit more about that. Now this dress, is really an example of a bunch of different sorts of...
So the last part of any ensemble when you are putting it together and you are wanting to go retro is to get the right accessories. Now we have talked about jewelry, we have talked about ethnic...
So I mentioned earlier that there are some really classic looks from the '50s that still stand out today, and one of the major ones that was a major revolution in style in the '50s is...
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Presentation of What and Why (Demo in the end) Demo of the System using Samsung Galaxy Tablet (Code uploaded to Github) Demo comments in [<here>] [Looking at Appliances] [Looking at...
Hello everyone this is a tutorial on how to make a hair dressing collar its cheap fun and highly efficient things required scissors 1 to 2 sq mtrs of cloth 1 to 2 mtr of thin pipe sewing threads and...