this david packard she asked and david packard dot com republican senator mitch mcconnell fell for a parity news reporter how content of all the prisoners being held for eligible for g_i_ bill bennett...
let's talk about of republican congressional candidate danny tara canyon running in nevada who is accusing a black opponent of only pretending to be black now if you've never heard of...



a few things to get you up to speed on secret service has reported that a suspicious letter a poisoned letter potentially poison letter pending some final test has been mailed to president obama the...
markle ruby o the republican senator from florida who is the represents the hopes and dreams of many republicans not all but it's on says you-know-what it should be legal to fire someone for...
mitch mcconnell senator mitch mcconnell republican senator mitch mcconnell filibustered himself on the debt ceiling did you hear about this well lewis i know i have not this is funny he wanted to put...
really offsets gonna play the clip above Mitch McConnell rand power hot mic up we play this year II here is an exchange between rand up all and Mitch McConnell talking their shutdown strategy they are...
uh... let's talk a little bit about some of the commentary about some of president obama's nominations uh... number one let's go to texas republican senator ted cruise the...
Well my suggestion is that the Democrats start thinking about putting their names on something other than an attack ad. This law cuts Medicare and hurts them. It takes over Five hundred – five...