America must repent. I had a dream and in my dream, I saw many disasters taking place in America all at one on the same day. In one corner in America a calamity was happening at the same time as...
It is a lie from Satan to think that you can wait to repent upon your deathbed. If you have that kind of attitude, you will never even make it to a deathbed because you may die tomorrow in a car...
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Every time that you do a sin, you are bringing yourself under Gods judgement not his mercy. The things is with our God, is that one day he will never have mercy on your again for all of eternity once...



If you compromise your faith and go off in sin, then you're also compromising your salvation. The flesh and Satan tries to get you to compromise every day. But we do not need to compromise our...
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Many don't understand and Jesus and don't realize that Jesus is love. Many are scared of Jesus but I want to tell you about Jesus because the Lord has come into my life. Jesus never...