Korea's two major political parties on Tuesday butted heads once again over a decision by the nation's spy agency to release a full transcript of the 2007 inter-Korean summit. While...
(wut?) (idiots) Q: How was Disco Fiasco formed? In school Disco Fiasco was formed in a school band project where all of us were involved except for our bass player Jami Earlier I've been...
We're here at Frag-o-Matic, it's a LAN party, the biggest one in Belgium. It's the 15the edition and there's about a thousand gamers behind me here. Over there is...
Hilah: Hey everybody. Welcome to Hilah Cooking. I'm Hilah. Today I have a very special guest to celebrate . . . one of many special guests, but we're going to celebrate the 1-Year...
*funny noise* Oh that sounds great Have you ever had that with a videogame? I put it in my pc and then .. Yeah then all those pieces are scattered in your computer Wow, it's a cd with music on...



los angeles hip hop artist teddy martin announced that he will be releasing his new single broken hearts club at the end of january martin after successful career in the columbus ohio area is now...
I'm the guitarist and also play synths, today...and also some percussion Are you excited? I'm really excited! We decorated everything in here, why dont you pan through the room?...
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