[ Music ] >> Hi I'm Norma, and I'm a mother baby nurse. I've had all 3 of my children here at El Camino Hospital at Los Gatos. If you're expecting,...
>> Endometriosis is when the lining of the uterus displaces itself and sits on organs where it is not suppose to be like bowel, bladder, ovaries or fallopian tubes or the lungs,...
>> The anterior approach to hip replacement is really the most sophisticated way to perform a total hip replacement. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint it's normally in its...
>> Yes, atrial fibrillation or a-fib is a, is basically a disorganized rhythm of the upper chambers of the heart, which are called the atria. [ Pause ] >> So intrinsically...



[ Silence ] >> I went and a standard TB test done with my primary care physician, and... didn't think anything of it. Couple of days later I went back and they noticed that it...
I was diagnosed in July 31st, 2007 and my diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. Initially I was diagnosed with Waldenström's Disease which is a lymphoma and then shortly thereafter, I got throat...
Early detection most doctors feel is the key to picking up a breast cancer before it has spread outside at the breast and cancer that has spread outside of the breast by and large have a worse...
Prostate cancer is still the second most common cause of cancer death in men. So it's really up to us to try to find the disease. Find the disease early and select the people who may need...
Sports medicine is definitely for anybody who participates in activities and with the popularity of staying active and staying in shape and staying healthy, it applies to anybody who partakes in...



About 40 million of Americans suffer from either insomnia or sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome Some of the symptoms of sleep disorders like snoring for example, which our society a lot of times...