EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT there's SIZZLING HOT DINNER specials at the Hartness House Inn. Come in and try their new FRIDAY SIZZLING HOT PLATTER MENU SPECIALS with 4 exciting new COMPLETE DINNERS FOR...
OK, now we're ready to begin. So, the first step that we're going to need to do is, so you take your craft wood, and we're going to have our paper plate for our palate....
Hi, this is Dave for Expert Village. Today we're going to make Coquille St. Jacquez. I'm going to give you the recipe and the ingredients for Coquille St. Jacquez. This recipe is for...
CHEF BLONDIE: So, we want to give a little bit of seasoning to the salmon. Not much, just a little bit. A little bit of salt. A little bit of pepper. And I'm going to adjust--tighten my pepper...
Local restaurants will be cooking up their favorite seafood dishes just for you at the 4th annual "JAZZY SEAFOOD AND SCALLOP FESTIVAL" in Viking Village, Saturday June 29th from 3...
This is Dave for Expert Village. Today we’re going to make Shrimp and Scallop Fettucini with a side of garlic bread. Alright, our bread is ready to come out of the oven, all nice and golden brown....
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Hi, this is Dave for Expert Village. Today we're going to make Coquille St. Jacquez. Another element of our Coquille St. Jacques is to make a nice crunchy topping for it. As it bakes so here...
Hi! I’m Louis Ortiz on behalf of Expert Village and I’m back to show you the chicken strips that we’ve fried and they’re done. So I’m going to pop a lid and you can take a look at these guys and see...
Hi! I’m Louis Ortiz on behalf of Expert Village and I’m showing you a step by step process and or technique for a homemade chicken stock. Now I’ve taken it off the burner obviously and as you can see...