[music] This week's Music Monday is the Wonderful Silly Hat Edition with Super Junior M's "Perfection" [music] It seems that SM Entertainment is going for this, like...
DigitalGov University you'll find web contents, anything you can find on digital gov dot go. today we're focusing specifically on Tumblr with over 170 million blogs. It's a...
Hey, Alex Berman here. There's some kind of like rush that I think we all get when we get a like on a video or a retweet, or a new follower. I've been getting email followers on my...
Hey Youtubers it's Charlie! Huge news for Legend Of Korra tonight. So they're airing all 4 final episodes tonight. Janet Varney made the announcement on Tumblr. They said that if they...
PRESENTER: I'd like to welcome everyone to our talk with Tom Standage, who's currently on his phone, I believe, on Facebook, which is appropriate for-- well, it's OK for the...
TOM STANDAGE: That is just such a good line. I'm totally stealing that. Now that the internet is just way to make you go faster That's brilliant. Thank you. You'll be hearing...
Thora Colot: It's like magic, isn't it? [laughs] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the William G. McGowan Theater here tonight. I'm Thora Colot. I'm the executive director...
Are you recording? Yes. Wait.... Selena f$&"@-$ Gomez. We are recording, recording. Selena Gomez reblogged my tumblr and a girl named Mandy Raine from Nickelodeon. He has more...
So who are you behind closed doors? Who are you in private? Are you a completely different person than the one standing here tonight? Are you a sociopath? Are you a pervert? Or are you basically the...
Good, ooh, yeah there we go. Good morning, John. I just wanted to take you down to the Clark Fork River, which is close to flooding right now. John, I want to start this video by asking you a...