Hi my name is Rick Wyckoff and you can check out our website at avatart2.com and I am here on behalf of Expert Village.com. I am here to talk about pain; particularly tattoo pain. That is probably the...
Hi, my name is Chris 51. I specialize in what I like to call "Hyper Realism Tattooing". And my name is Joshua South. I'm the head instructor here at Area 51 in Springfield,...
Alright, we did a kind of a fun little quick tattoo just to show you how to use aqua color on the body. We did a little body painting and then add some glitter on top of it. But now, we're...
Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to quickly place a tattoo onto someone, wrap it around the contours of the skin and even change its color. You can apply...
Shotsie Gorman is a professional tattoo artist, here on behalf of expert village. The tattooing machines themselves are already set up. It's a very simple system with an oscilating relay, the...